Monaco : A magical place to experience

A magical place to experience...





When i was studying in France, i had the opportunity to travel to Monaco. It is a small city-state located on the French Riviera in Western Europe. Monaco's name comes from the 6th century BC nearby Phocaean Greek colony. Referred to by the Ligurians as Monoikos, from the Greek "μόνοικος", "single house", from "μόνος" (monos) "alone, single" + "οἶκος" (oikos) "house", which bears the sense of a people either settled in a "single habitation" or of "living apart" from others. The official language of Monaco is french but most people speak English and Italian. 

The landscape is wonderful, you can visit Monaco Cathedral,  Monte Carlo Casino,  Opera House, Prince's Palace and Oceanographic Museum. 
But also apart of the monuments you can also discover some gardens like Japanese Garden. It is gorgeous but not as expensive as you may think. . All the attractions are free (public gardens, the Cathedral etc) except for the inside of the Palace  and the Oceanographic Museum.

When i was there i was surprised by the fancy cars, there are incredible fancy cars everywhere. You can feel rich and famous for some hours even if you are not !!!

The port






  1. A beautiful place, it's on my bucket list to get there one day. Now I want to go tomorrow and see the sights and watch the fancy cars

  2. Oooh! Sounds like a nice fancy place to visit! If I go to France, then maybe I'll stop by Monaco for a day.

  3. Why is everywhere in Europe so gorgeous? I love all the history of these places, and the pictures are all mind blowing. More photos please!

    1. I just put some more photos for you Jen. I hope that you will like them.


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